The “Etar” occupies a territory of about 70 decares.
The construction of that unique museum started in 1963 and continued till 1976.
Its official opening was on 07.09.1964.
The “Etar” shows how the typical bulgarian craft village looked 150 years ago.
The spirit of the Bulgarian Revival is presented by the little cobblestone roads, the stone fountains, the rumble of the water-mills, the tin oil-lamps, the clock tower and the old houses.
The handi-craft workshops include about 20 crafts such as carving, coppersmith’s trade, flute-making, sheep bell-making, bakery, candy-making, traditional phytotherapy, cutlery, weaving, braid-making, furriery, turnery, pottery-making etc.
The vistitor can personally watch the process of making of silver ornaments, pottery, copper tools, woven products, traditional dishes and peasant dresses.