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The mound "Golyamata Kosmatka"

That is a Thracian mound, near the town of Kazanlak   where the richest and most imposing Thracian tomb was found. A completely preserved grave of a Thracian king, buried with his horse can be seen there. The tomb was constructed in the V-th C BC and consists of three chambers and a corridor with a total length 26 m.
The first premise is orthogonal shaped, the second - round with a 450 m high cupola. The third premise presents a monolith granite block – sarcophagus with 60 tons weight. Here the Thracian king body was laid on a stone bed in a premise, hewn out of stone with great precision. Three human teeth were discovered in the second chamber of the Thracian tomb, which testifies that the Thracian king body , buried here was first burned  and only the strongest parts of the skeleton were left.
That is the conclusion of the archeologist Georgi Kitov (pic.9) who is the discoverer of the mound ,,Golyamata Kosmatka”.
20 gold objects of total weight 4 kg.   - masterpieces of Thracian art with a great artistic value were found in the sarcophagus – a gold wreath of 0.5 kg.weight with oak leaves and nuts (pic.5), kylix (pic.7) – a small cup for wine with horizontal handles, decoration for horse-trappings, very realistic performance of a dear head , a goddess head, as well as many silver and bronze utensils. There was also found a collar of a dress , woven with golden thread that was preserved in a good condition.
Other artifacts of no less value are a steel sword with golden decoration, a bronze sword, a helmet (pic.6), breast-plate and other type of weapons.
When the helmet was cleaned a sign ,, ΣΕΥΘΟΥ ( Seutu ) was read on it which means  ,,This  belongs to Seuthеs”.  Also 4 gold coins with the portrait of Seuthеs III were discovered at the entrance of the tomb which also supports the proposition that it was truly the tomb of Seuthеs III.  Especially unique is the bronze head of a man with a beard and semi-precious stones for eyes, all of a natural size (pic.8).
That is a part of the statue of the Seuthеs III, which once stood on the pedestal in the capital Sevtopolis. The imposing dimensions of the tomb and the valuable objects found in it prove that a great Thracian ruler was buried there.